Non-Provisional Patent Application (Utility)

non-provisional patent application is generally considered the regular utility patent application. It’s what you file to get the USPTO to review your utility application. You require a Utility patent when you have a novel and usable invention which is not obviously existing in the field of invention. There are five categories in which Utility patents are grouped. These are a process, a machine, a manufacture, a composition of matter or an improvement of an existing idea.

The term for a utility patent begins on the date the patent issues and ends on the date that is twenty years from the date the application for the utility patent was filed in the United States.

If you have obtained a utility patent, no one can make, use, sell and import the invention that has been patented. This is important as it helps you to establish a market to make a sale for your incredible invention.

There are two types of applications available for utility patents: provisional and non-provisional.

A non-provisional application is an official application for a patent. This application begins the examination process to decide if the invention is eligible to receive patent protection.

Requirements for Non-provisional patent application

A description of the invention to know about its specifications and a claim of the invention is required. If necessary, it can have an oath by the inventor. Also, a fee to file, search and examine the application.

Why file a non-provisional patent application?

Obtaining a utility patent can be a little lengthy process along with being expensive. It is wise to think of a non-provisional patent application as an investment. A non-provisional utility application can take about 16 months to 2 years to receive the patent examiner’s first review. However, exceptions occur fairly frequently. To get your application examined within 3-6 months you can request expedited exam for an additional fee (generally about 3 times what the filing fee is).

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